Welcome to the Artcade!

I'm Aya or Ayasuna, and I like a lot of things.. Welcome to the Artcade an area where I talk about Art, Gaming, and really all of my general interests. Whether I yap about my favorite games, shows, and more : sit back, grab a snack and enjoy the Artcade!

How it started/About ME

As I said I'm Ayasuna (She/her), 23 and I'm a sort of jack of all trades and master of none, I have many hobbies and interests including Art and video games(duh, the main theme of this site), but also design, anime, food, pets, and just about anything mythology related. I have been an internet addict since I was a teenager, and while a lot of websites and social media platforms feel blank, sterile, and devoid of self expression; I wanted a space that felt like my own and that I could properly express myself. So one of the only options was to make my own website and that's exactly what this place is. I have some coding experience and I'm currently learning more about graphic design so I decided to combine the two to create this site, it will have been my biggest project I completed with these skills.

If I'm not working or watching shows with my friends, I'm either streaming , making videos here , and here . That said I will likely make a gallery of projects(IE: Drawings or graphic designs) I don't put on social media that I also find interesting. Also my interests sorta change like the wind so don't be surprise if I constantly overhaul this place

Goals for the Rest of the year